
The AIM General Assembly brings together all corporate and national association members represented by their respective European CEOs and Directors. It elects the AIM Board and decides on financial and constitutional issues. The AIM Board – comprised of corporate and national association members – steers the association, establishes its policies and drives their implementation. Representatives from our national associations come together in the National Association Directors Committee, which co-ordinates the work of the national associations with the work of AIM, exchanges best practices and ensures we synchronize efforts across Europe to achieve objectives, as agreed by the AIM Board.

The AIM Board elects the President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer of the association. The association is managed by Michelle Gibbons, Director General, and her team . Their work is divided in seven committees, several task forces and initiatives such as AIM-NUDGE and AIM-PROGRESS. Each AIM member company and association is entitled to send its dedicated experts to the different committees and task forces.